Tuesday, April 2, 2013

So What Happens Now?

Saturday is my birthday. I'll be 62. SIXTY-TWO! Do you hear me? How is it possible? I, who have been so often on the brink of suicide, am going to be 62 years old. Do I hate it? If you'd asked me when I was 40 if I'd hate being 62 I'd have said, "I'll never live that long." or, "Yes, I'll hate it if I live that long." But here I am. Sigh.

I'm going to make this brief because I recently found out that my retirement only means I have to work harder than ever. Here's what I've learned at nearly 62:
  • You never know what's around the next corner and it's not always a good thing.
  • Living in the moment is still hard to do, but necessary.
  • I love my family more than ever (family doesn't always mean DNA connections).
  • I still care what I look like and don't want to look like either of my Grandmas.
  • Napping is a good thing, but too much sugar and fat turn napping into an all-day sleep.
  • Housework sucks. My Grandmas must have LOVED it--I don't.
  • Getting older makes me care less about lots of stuff, including other people's opinions of my opinions.
But I think acceptance has been my biggest obstacle. It's hard for me to accept that I may never become what I believe I was born capable of being. I was born with all the standard equipment, but I never steadily pushed myself. It always seemed like pushing my talent or ability was met with failure and/or rejection. Oh, it's okay. That part of acceptance I can accept. That's the other thing about living this long; acceptance of failure becomes less devastating. I don't mean I'm not going to try new things, or polish old stuff; I just no longer expect miracles. They're great when they happen; I just don't live in a fantasyland about them. I've bought enough lottery tickets to know that it's usually the people who don't need the winnings who win. You know; it's always those people who say, "Quit my job? Oh, never!" What's wrong with those people? Geez, start your own business; go back to school; see the world.

Okay, back to work. I'm still trying to sell my stuff. I have to supplement my soon-to-be received SS income.


  1. I never cared what other think though that was not such good idea, if one does not care they will make you to care on very ugly way.
    btw dividing age on days experiencing each day is new birth (even bad one) makes number so high that 62 sounds like you just started :)

    1. Thank you B. Finally, a celebrity recognizes me! Take that, world! XO
